Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Projects!

Ringing in the new year with my partner in crime, Brian

     Hi everyone, I hope 2020 is off to a good start for you!  I wanted to take a moment to give you a sneak peek at what you can expect to see from Amber's Craft a Week blog this year.
     First up, I've started a video series, which I'm Calling the Hey, Day Challenge.  Basically, we'll be taking a trip back to 2001, going through various activities inspired by the book Hey, Day! Super-Amazing, Funk-da-crazing, Ultra-glazing Things to Do, Make and Ponder Every Day of the Year by Clea Hantman and Keva Marie.  Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to film a video every day, so we'll be going through select pages from the book, with a target goal of about 10 projects a month, plus a monthly roundup video.  Some of what we'll be doing are are crafts, some are writing exercises, and others are just random activities that seemed interesting.  The first video goes live tomorrow, so keep your eyes on my Facebook page or YouTube channel for the launch.  I don't know if I'll be able to keep this up for all 12 months, but I'll make as many videos as I can.
     Note that the Hey, Day Challenge is separate from my craft blog, so you can still expect to be getting weekly blog posts (assuming life doesn't get too hectic) with the usual sort of crafting fare.  My first craft post of the new year will also go live tomorrow, so stay tuned for that as well.
     Speaking of life getting hectic, Brian and I are planning on getting married in May.  Since we don't have a ton of money, I'm planning on doing a lot of the decorating myself, so hopefully I'll have a bunch of wedding DIY ideas to share with you.  I've already filmed a DIY wedding invites video, which I plan to post later this month, and have filmed parts of the "dress" video  (Dress is in quotes because it's not a traditional wedding dress; I made an overskirt to convert one of my rompers into a ballgown, of sorts).  That video, like most of the wedding craft posts, probably won't be coming out until after the wedding is over, but if everything goes as planned, you can expect to see some wedding blog posts starting in June.  Our wedding is Alice in Wonderland themed, so the DIYs may not all be applicable to a general wedding, but hopefully they will give you some ideas about how you can save money by doing your own decorating and if you're planning on throwing an Alice in Wonderland party, then they should be perfect for you.
     Since my birthday is literally a week after our intended wedding date, I won't be hosting a birthday party this year.  However, I have years' worth of themed birthday party ideas in my blog's archives, so if you're looking for some party ideas, you can always check there.
     I have a ton of things on my plate right now (have I mentioned I'm also working on finishing up my Ph.D.?), so I'm a little nervous, but also excited to see what 2020 has in store.  Wishing you all the best for this new year!


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