Thursday, February 3, 2022

Best Laid Plans


Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted anything.  Unfortunately, it's also going to be a while before I post something again.

Back in mid-December, when I was in the midst of making my Holiday Barbie 2021 cosplay, I sustained a wrist injury from a combination of typing on a bad keyboard and hand-sewing through too much fabric.  I really wanted to keep going with both my writing and crafting, and so I pushed through pain that I shouldn't have.

I did eventually cut back and start taking it easy.  I thought I would bounce back quickly.  I didn't.  For some reason, my arms aren't healing properly.  Now, to be clear, I experience little to no pain the majority of the time.  As long as I'm not pushing myself to do more than my body wants, I'll be fine.  But unfortunately, my arms have a hard limit on what they are willing to do in a day.

For example, I can type for three hours exactly.  If I start going for more, I have a not as pleasant day the next day.  I haven't tried crafting much since my injury, but I'm sure there are definitely craft projects that are out of the question for now as well.

Since I only have three hours of writing time in me a day, I have to use that for my work.  Which means even if I were to make a craft, I wouldn't have the time to blog about it.  So I'll be taking a break from posting here until my arms have recovered some more.  I don't have a good sense of when that will be.  I'm hoping by Halloween season, but we'll see.  So farewell for now.  I hope to see you on here again in the not too distant future.

- Amber