Thursday, January 9, 2020

Horror Pocket Pals: Georgie from It Plushie

     My sister loves Stephen King's It, so I decided to make her a Georgie plushie for part of her Christmas present.  Here's how you can make a Georgie plushie for the Stephen King fans in your life.


*Felt sheets in peach, yellow, brown, blue, and red
*Sewing needle
*Thread in peach, yellow, blue, red, and black
*Thin wire


*Print out a copy of the template given below:

*Cut out two copies of the body template from peach felt, two copies of the rain jacket, one with a cutout for the face and one without, from yellow felt, two copies of each rain boot from yellow felt for a total of four rain boots, two copies of the pants from blue felt, one copy of the hair from brown felt, and two copies of the balloon from red felt.

*Sew the hair to one of the body pieces, as shown below, using brown thread.

*Stitch a straight line down the center of the rain jacket using black thread for the closure point.  I forgot to do this until later, but it's probably easiest to do it now, before you sew the jacket on.

*Sew on the rain jacket using yellow thread, as shown below.

*Add button eyes and a mouth using black thread.

*Sew on the pants and rain boots using blue thread.

*For the back of the plushie, sew the jacket to the other peach felt template using yellow thread.

*Sew on the pants and rain boots using blue thread, like you did for the front of the plushie.

*Place the two halves of the plushie wrong sides together and sew together using a blanket stitch.  You can do it all using one color, which will mean the stitches will be pretty visible, or sew each part of the plushie using the corresponding thread color, as I did.  Leave an opening in the plushie's head for stuffing.

*Add stuffing and sew closed.

*For the balloon, start sewing the two balloon pieces together using red thread and a blanket stitch.  Leave an opening for stuffing.

*Add a little stuffing and sew closed.

*Take some thin wire and slide it into the end of the balloon to form the balloon's string.  Wind the end of the wire around the plushie's hand.

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