Thursday, January 2, 2020

Easy Earring Holder

     Looking for a way to store your earrings?  This earring holder is easy to make and inexpensive.  It's also a good way to reuse a cardboard box you in all likelihood already have on hand.  The lid of the box can be used for storing lots of stud earrings, while the inside of the box can hold larger earrings or other jewelry items.


*Cardboard box with lid (whether the lid is a flap closure or a detachable lid)
*Optional: paint or other decorating supplies


*Punch holes in the lid of the cardboard box using a thumbtack.  Make sure that the holes are spaced far enough apart that your earrings can fit side by side.

*Optional: you can paint or decorate the box if you'd like.  My box was already a nice shade of blue, so I decided to leave it as it was.

*Arrange your stud earrings in the holes on the lid.  Place longer earrings or other jewelry items inside the box.

Also, if you haven't seen it already, my first Hey, Day video went live today on YouTube.  If you want to follow that series, you may want to either follow my Facebook page, where I will be posting about it, or my YouTube channel.  Also, if people would be interested, I could do an end of the week round up post containing all the Hey, Day videos from the week, but I don't want to overwhelm you with content if that's not what you're interested in.  I've included the first video in the series below, in case you wanted to check it out.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. Its so simple and needs only things found in the house. Fit for me who have less effort and stingy haha. More power. -Corine from Philippines
