Thursday, June 6, 2013

Melted Crayon Heart Garland

     Here's another decoration I made for my rainbow crayon themed party.  They're rather time consuming to make, but the resulting garlands are really nice (the picture doesn't really do them justice).  For other rainbow crayon party ideas, check out my melted crayon decorative bowls and my melted crayon art.  Also, stay tuned, because I'll have more ideas next week.

*Crayons in a variety of colors (I used 20 different colors)
*Waxed paper
*Cheese grater
*Heart template
*Metallic permanent marker
*White thread
*All purpose adhesive

*Cut a piece of waxed paper about 1 1/2 feet in length.
*Grate about 1/4 of a crayon onto one half of the waxed paper, then fold the other half of the waxed paper over so the crayon pieces end up sandwiched between the two halves.
*Iron the waxed paper on low heat until the crayon has melted.  Set aside to cool.
*Repeat the procedure for the remaining crayons.
*Trace heart shapes onto the paper using the heart template, then cut them out.
*Arrange hearts in the color order of your choice, then glue to white thread to create your garland.

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