Thursday, June 13, 2013

Easy Crayon Tablecloth and Melted Crayon Art Cake

    Here's another set of ideas for a rainbow crayon themed party.  If you haven't seen these yet and are looking for rainbow crayon decoration ideas, check out my melted crayon heart garland, my melted crayon decorative bowls, and my melted crayon art.  Next week I'll have the last of my rainbow crayon party ideas, and the week after I'll post a fun photo craft, so stay tuned!
Crayon Tablecloth

*Plastic tablecloth
*Color printer
*All purpose adhesive

*Enlarge the crayon templates below to the desired size and print them onto cardstock.
*Cut out the crayon shapes and glue them to your tablecloth.

Melted Crayon Art Cake
     I don't usually blog about food, but I thought this cake decorating idea was to neat not to share.  I came across the melted crayon cake idea online and thought it would work well with the theme for my party, so when Brian was making my cake I asked him if he could frost it to look like melted crayon art.  I'm including some directions on how to decorate the cake, plus Brian's icing recipe.
Cake decorating materials:
*Icing recipe and ingredients
*Food coloring
*Plastic sandwich bags
Cake decorating directions:
*Prepare a batch of your preferred icing recipe and ice the cake as you would normally, then make a second batch, using perhaps a little less liquid than what the recipe calls for (Brian found that when he added the food coloring, the icing became a bit runny.  You can always add a bit more liquid if the icing turns out to be too dry after adding the food coloring).
*Separate the icing into plastic sandwich bags, as many as you would like to have colors on your cake.
*Add a few drops of food coloring to one of the bags.  Massage the bag with your fingers until the icing is a consistent color.  Add more food coloring if the color is not as dark as what you're looking for.
*Repeat for the other colors.
*Cut off the bottom corner of the sandwich bag.  The larger a chunk you cut out of the corner, the thicker your melted crayon lines will be.
*Squeeze icing onto the side of the cake.
Brian's icing recipe:
*1/2 cup butter
*1 pound confectioner's sugar
*1/4 cup milk
*1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
*Cream butter and 2 cups of confectioner's sugar together.
*Add vanilla and milk.
*Add remaining sugar gradually until icing reaches its desired consistency.


  1. I have some unfortunate news for you; crayons, may contain asbestos. While,not explicitly toxic, it is hard to predict the effects of imbileing any quantity of asbestos over time. I would recommend against however.

  2. That's just icing made to look like melted crayon on the cake, not actual crayons. Thanks for the info, though.
