Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Year's Confetti Popper

     Here's a great way to use up some of the tissue paper left over from opening presents this holiday season.

*Tissue paper
*Toilet paper tube
*X-acto knife
*Wrapping paper or more tissue paper
*Twist ties (optional)
*All purpose adhesive

*Cut long, thin segments from tissue paper in your chosen colors.  You won't need a ton of tissue paper, especially if you're using lots of colors, so by taking a thin strip from the edge you can still reuse the rest of the tissue for gift packaging if you'd like.

*Cut long fringes into the bottom of the tissue paper.

*Cut horizontally across the fringes to create confetti.

*Repeat the above process until you have enough confetti to fill the toilet paper tube.

*Take the tube and draw a line around the middle of the tube.

*Using your X-acto knife, cut most of the way along the line you drew.  You don't want to cut the tube in half or so much so that you lose structural integrity, but you need only leave a very small amount of cardboard intact to achieve this.

*Stuff the tube with the confetti and then glue tissue paper to the ends to keep the confetti from falling out.

*Wrap the tube in either tissue paper or very thin wrapping paper.  If the paper is too thick, it won't tear when you're trying to break open the popper.

*Tie off the ends.  I used twist ties first and then covered them with ribbons, but you could go straight to the ribbons if you'd like.

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