Thursday, December 15, 2016

DIY Pet Stocking

     Include your favorite four footed family member in your holiday celebrations with this adorable mini stocking.  (Looking to make a full sized stocking?  See this post.)  This tutorial also works for a stocking ornament.  For the record, Beans is not actually my cat; he belongs to my brother and his girlfriend, but as Beans's "aunt," it is my duty to spoil him.  Don't tell him, but he's getting a l-a-s-e-r p-o-i-n-t-e-r for Christmas :).

*Red felt
*White felt
*Needle and thread
*Fabric paint or glitter glue
*All purpose adhesive
*Metallic marker or chalk

*Draw a stocking shape or find a free printable stocking template online and size to your desired size, then print.
*Trace two copies of the stocking shape onto the red felt and cut out.
*Trace only the upper part of the stocking onto white felt to create the name band for the stocking.  Cut out.

*Glue the white parts of the stocking to the top of the red parts.  Let dry.

*Fold the two stocking shapes together such that the white part faces in and stitch together, leaving the top edge unsewn.

*Turn the stocking right side in, starting from the toe and working your way up.

*Write your pet's name on the white band of the stocking using fabric paint or glitter glue.  Let dry.

*If you'd like to hang the stocking from the mantle or tree, thread the needle and slide it through the upper corner at the top of the stocking.  Tie the ends together to create a loop.  Cut off the needle part and excess thread and then turn the thread until the knot hits the inside of the stocking, hidden from sight.  Now the little stocking is finished!

For size comparison, here is Beans's stocking next to mine.  As you can see, it's rather tiny, just big enough to fit a l-a-s-e-r p-o-i-n-t-e-r.

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