Thursday, January 17, 2019

DIY Zombie Valentine's Day Embroidered Throw Pillow

Front of the pillow.

     February is around the corner, which means it's time for some more zombie crafts.  If zombies aren't the ideal way to show your affection, then I don't know what is.

Back of the pillow.


*Zombie fabric (such as Alexander Henry's Beauty with Brains fabric)
*Red fabric
*Heart patterned fabric
*Thread or embroidery floss in red, pink, green, and black
*All purpose adhesive (optional)
*Pins or safety pins
*Metallic marker
*Ruler or 12"x12" sheet of paper you don't mind marking on


*Cut out 12"x12" squares of the red fabric and the heart fabric.

*Cut out a zombie of your choice.  You'll want to leave about 1/4" to 1/2" of background fabric around your zombie.

*Glue or pin the zombie in place on the red fabric.  If you use an adhesive, don't glue all the way to the edge of the zombie fabric piece.  It will be harder to sew the zombie piece on if you do.

*Sew the zombie to the red fabric using a backstitch.

*Lightly write the words in pencil over the red fabric.  I winged it, but there are ways you can transfer letters to your fabric if you want them more centered or neater looking.

*Use an embroidery stitch of your choice (I opted for backstitch again) to stitch the words.  I use a pale pink thread for everything except "zombie," which I stitched in green.

*For the back of the pillow, pick some hearts that you want to turn into zombies and some that you want to have non-zombie faces.  Use black thread or floss to sew faces onto the hearts.  Use red thread or floss to add blood to the corners of some of the zombies' mouths.

*Pin the front and back sides of the the pillow together, right sides in, and sew along the edges, leaving an opening to add stuffing.

*Turn right side in and stuff.

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