Sunday, September 30, 2018

Mad Hatter Hat

     No Alice in Wonderland themed party would be complete without the Mad Hatter.  Since Brian and I are going with a dark Alice look for Halloween, I used black fabric and adornments, but you could always use green or other colors for a more classic Mad Hatter look.


*1 yd of fabric in the color you would like the hat to be
*Ribbon in a corresponding color
*All purpose adhesive
*Large cardboard box
*Two 12"x12" sheets of paperboard or large cylindrical container
*Packing tape
*Adornments (optional)


*Start by cutting out the brim of the hat from cardboard.  Make sure to have the hat wearer nearby so they can test to make sure it fits.

*Cut out the top part of the hat from the cardboard.

*If you don't have a cardboard cylinder on hand to use to make the hat, you can make one from paperboard.

*Curl two sheets of paperboard such that, when placed edge to edge, they form a cylinder.

*Tape two ends together using packing tape and then repeat with the other two ends.

*Glue the cylinder in between the hat's brim and the top part of the hat like such:

*Drape the fabric over the hat.

*Tie a ribbon around the lower part of the hat.

*Trim excess fabric so that there is just enough to cover the underside of the brim.

*Glue the fabric to the brim.  Let dry.

*Once dry, add any adornments you would like to.

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