Thursday, February 9, 2017

Glow-in-the-Dark Valentine's Day Arrows

     Cupid's not the only one in town with arrows now.  Keep him (and zombies) at bay with these fun, glow-in-the-dark arrows.

*Cardstock in two colors of your choice
*Glow bracelets
*All purpose adhesive

*Cut out a section of cardstock at least twice the height you want your arrowhead to be.

*Fold the paper in half and cut out two isosceles triangles.

*Pinch the triangles together over the end of the glow stick, keeping the edges aligned as you do so.  This will create an indent in each triangle that will make it easier to glue them together.

*Glue one triangle to the end of the glow stick and then glue the second triangle to the first, with the glow stick sandwiched in between.  Make sure to keep the edges of the triangles aligned as you pinch them together.

*Cut out a section of cardstock twice as long as you want the end of the arrow to be.

*Fold the paper in half and cut out two shapes like the end of an arrow.

*Glue one piece of the arrow end to the end of the glow stick and then the other, following the procedure outlined above.

*Cut out a triangle area at the end of the arrow.

*Cut fringes in the end of the arrow.

*Optional: decorate with washi tape or strips of colored paper.  This will block some of the light from the glow stick, but you could always create fun patterns or shapes in the light.

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