Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fun with 3D

I downloaded a program the other day called Free 3D Photo Maker that allows you to turn your photos into 3D images and I really have been enjoying it, so I thought I'd share it.  Here's a link to a tutorial on how to use the software; the link to download the software itself is at the bottom of the webpage.  As the name suggests, this software is free.  They do try to get you to sign up for some sponsor related things, but you can ignore that.  The images it creates aren't necessarily the best I've seen, but it's a fun little program. 

Need some 3D glasses to view your new 3D images?  Here's how to make them:

*Red and blue permanent markers
*Old plastic sunglasses or a glasses template printed on cardstock
*Clear plastic
*X-acto knife (if making cardstock glasses)
*Clear tape (if making cardstock glasses)
*Optional: markers, glitter, and other adornments to decorate the glasses

*Print a 3D glasses template and cut out the lens area using an X-acto knife or pop the lenses out of your old sunglasses
*Trace the shape of each lens onto the clear plastic
*Color in the lens intended for the left eye red and the lend intended for the right eye blue
*Cut out the lenses.  If making cardstock glasses, leave a little extra plastic around the edges to make it easier to tape down.  If making 3D glasses out of old sunglasses, don't leave any extra plastic around the edges.  Pop the lenses into the frame and your glasses are complete
*If making cardstock glasses, tape the lenses into place
*Decorate your glasses as you wish

Brian wearing undecorated 3D glasses

My sparkly 3D glasses

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