Thursday, April 9, 2020

Alice in Wonderland Inspired Teacup Thank You Cards

     I've been meaning to send out thank you cards for my bridal shower for a few weeks now.  I wanted cards that were in some way reminiscent of Alice in Wonderland, but also that were not a ridiculous amount of effort to make.  These teacup cards are what I came up with.  While I'm using them as thank you cards, these could be great for many other occasions as well.


*Floral scrapbooking paper


*Print out a copy of the teacup template given below, or draw a teacup template of your own.  Make sure to size the template such that it will fit inside your envelopes.  I apologize for the blurriness of the teacup handle.  I had made a handle that was more vertical and had to rotate it using Paint Shop Pro to get it to fit on the cup correctly, so that's why the handle ended up so blurry.

*Fold your sheet of scrapbooking paper in half lengthwise, right sides facing inward.

*Place your template such that the top of the teacup rests against the fold and trace around the teacup.

*Cut out the teacup shape, making sure to cut through both layers of paper at once.  I was able to cut out the inside of the handle using scissors, but if you have an X-acto knife, you may find it easier to use that.

*Fold your paper back along the crease you created, so that the right sides face outward.

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