Thursday, November 7, 2019

Creating a Digital Wardrobe

     As the end of 2019 approaches, many of us will be looking for new year's resolutions.  Since becoming more organized is a common resolution, I thought I'd share an organizational project I've been working on with you: creating a digital wardrobe.  If you have a lot of clothes and have a tendency to lose track of some of them or forget that they exist, then a digital wardrobe may be the solution you need.  I've included a video tutorial walking you through the process of creating a digital wardrobe below.  I've also included some written instructions, although the video tutorial is more thorough.

Creating a Digital Wardrobe




*The first step to creating a digital wardrobe is choosing a location for your digital wardrobe to exist in.  I created a folder on my Google Drive called "Wardrobe" to store the digital images of my clothes in so that I would have access to the images from multiple devices, but creating a folder on your computer could work just as well.

*Once you've created your folder, choose a clothing storage location (e.g. your closet, a dresser drawer) to work on and photograph every item in that location.

*Inside your wardrobe folder, create folders for each category of clothing in the storage location that you photographed.  For example, you might have shirts and rompers hanging in your closet, so you would want to create a folder for shirts and a folder for rompers.  You may want to create more folders inside those respective categories.  For example, you may want to have separate folders for short sleeved shirts and long sleeved shirts, or you may want separate folders for formal rompers and more casual rompers.

*Place each photograph into its corresponding folder (e.g.. a T-shirt may go in your short sleeved shirts folder) and add a description.  The description should include a basic description of the item (e.g., red T-shirt) as well as the item's location in your wardrobe (e.g., closet).  The location is especially important if you have similar types of garments stored in separate locations, as it gives you a way to keep track of which garments are in which location.

*Repeat the process until you've cataloged all of your clothes.  You may also want to create folders for accessories, if those are an essential component of your wardrobe.

*I also have been cataloging my outfits as I wear them.  I have a folder in my "Wardrobe" folder called "Outfits" where I keep a photograph of each day's outfit.  Doing this gives me a chance to see what clothes I'm wearing often and which ones I'm not wearing.  It also reminds me which garments look good together and which don't and gives me inspiration for future outfits.

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