Thursday, August 17, 2017

Halloween Creepy Rag Doll

     Dolls have a special place in our culture as a beloved plaything, but some can be downright creepy.  With frog-like button eyes and a too wide stitched mouth, this doll is the perfect addition to any Halloween scene.

*Cloth for the doll's head, torso, and limbs
*Scrap cloth for the doll's clothing
*Black thread
*Yarn for hair
*Buttons for eyes
*Metallic marker or chalk
*All purpose adhesive
*Ribbon to go around the waist of the doll's skirt


*Sketch or print a template for your doll.  I didn't think to scan mine before using it, but if you look at the picture from the next step you'll get a sense of how to draw a template of your own.

*Trace the template components onto the respective pieces of fabric and cut out.

*Sew a face onto your doll.  The eye placement may look normal now, but once you sew together the doll and stuff it, they're going to be closer to the sides of its face, giving it an amphibious look.

*Place two of the leg pieces one atop the other, right sides facing in, and stitch together, leaving an opening at the top for the stuffing.

*Turn the legs right side in (you might want to use something like a pencil or a chopstick to aid you if the legs are really thin) and stuff.  Sew closed.

*Repeat with the other leg.

*Cut out scraps of fabric to make the doll's top and sew or glue to the torso.

*Sew together the two pieces of the doll's body, decorated sides facing in, leaving an opening at the bottom for stuffing.

*Turn the doll's body right side in and stuff.

*Insert the doll's legs into the bottom of the doll's torso and sew closed.

*Sew together and stuff the arms.

*Sew the arms onto the doll's torso.

*Cut out two triangular-ish shapes for the doll's sleeves.

*Glue on the sleeves with an all purpose or fabric adhesive.

*Cut out scraps of fabric to use for the doll's skirt.

*Glue on the skirt.  Glue some ribbon around the waist of the skirt.

*The final part of the process is to sew on the doll's hair.  I don't think I could explain how to do this in words, so here's the video I watched to learn how to do it.

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