Friday, November 28, 2014

Felt Heart Name Ornaments

*Chalk or marker
*Fabric paint
*Heart template
*Needle and thread
*Fabric scraps and other embellishments (optional)

*Using the chalk or marker, trace the heart template onto the felt twice and cut out the two hearts.
*Write the name in the center of one of the hearts using fabric paint and then decorate the ornament however you would like using fabric paint, scrap fabric, or other embellishments.  Set aside to dry.
*Cut off about 2 1/2" of ribbon and fold in half to create a loop.  Sew to the undecorated heart.
*Using a blanket stitch, sew together the hearts, leaving an opening large enough for you to add the stuffing.  Insert stuffing into your heart until it reaches the desired fullness, then sew closed.

P.s. wondering why I have Christmas ornaments with bats on them?  I was trying to come up with a way to symbolically represent myself in the ornament and Brian suggested I make a "crest" with different animals to represent different facets of myself.  He suggested an owl (because I'm smart), a bat (because I love writing, reading, and watching horror), and a cat (because I'm curious, but mostly because I adore cats).  He drew up an on ornament with these animals (see the bottom right ornament).  I then decided to try to replicate his idea, but with fabric scraps.  The only cat fabric I had featured Halloween cats, but I love Halloween, so it just added to the significance of the ornament.  If you're trying to make an ornament that's meaningful, perhaps you could ask the intended recipient (whether it's you or someone else) to brainstorm a crest.  This could be especially nice if you're making ornaments for a child, since they would probably love to see their artistic insights turned into an ornament.

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