Thursday, February 21, 2013

Rainbow Twist Dangle Earrings

*20 plastic crystals (10 different colors, two of each color)
*10 head pins
*18 jump rings
*2 ear wires
*Wire cutters
*Flat nosed pliers
*Round nosed pliers

*Arrange the 10 crystal beads in the order in which you would like them to appear on the earrings.
*Cut one head pin in half using wire cutters, then pick up the half containing the pin's "head," setting the other half aside for later.
*Take one crystal bead in the color that you would like to have at the bottom of your earrings and slide it onto a head pin.  Trim the length of the head pin until you are left with only enough length to form a loop.
*Using your round nosed pliers, curl the metal to form a loop.  Slide a jump ring through the loop, then close the loop using the flat nosed pliers.
*Take the other half of the head pin and curl one end to form a loop.  Attach the pin to the jump ring that the other half of the pin was affixed to.
*Slide a crystal in the color that you would like to have second from bottom on your earrings onto the head pin.  Trim the length of the head pin until you are left with only enough length to form a loop.
*Curl to form a loop, then attach the pin to another jump ring.
*Take another head pin, snip off its "head," and cut in half.  Take one of the halves and curl the end, then attach to the jump ring.  Add a bead, trim, curl, and attach to a new jump ring.
*Repeat the above procedure until you have a chain of alternating crystals and jump rings.  With the last bead, rather than attaching the end to another jump ring, attach it to an ear wire.
*Take a piece of wire and curl one end to form a loop.  Create a spiral shape by twisting the wire around the round nosed pliers.
*Stretch the wire as you go to elongate the spirals.
*Once you have the required length of wire twisted into a spiral, separate the spiral section from the remainder of the wire using round nosed pliers.
*Attach the loop at the top of the spiral to the ear wire, then wrap the spiral around the crystal chain.
*Following the above procedure, create your second earring. 

Here's a picture showing how long these earrings end up being.  If these earrings are too long for your liking, try using fewer beads and modify the directions accordingly.

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