Thursday, December 29, 2011

Multi-Strand Pendant Necklace

*Wire, fishing line, or other bead stringing tool
*1 or 2 strands of chain
*Fake pearls, enough to make one strand
*Beads that coordinate with the pendant, enough to make one strand
*Multi-strand necklace clasp (one with enough loops for four different bead strands)
*Crimp beads (if working with wire)
*Wire cutters
*Round nose pliers
*Jump rings
*Flat nose pliers

*Cut a section of wire or string slightly longer than you would like your longest chain to be
*Place pendant in the center of the wire or string.  String coordinating beads on either side of the pendant
*If you are using string, once the desired length of string has been beaded, tie the ends of the string to either side of the necklace clasp, or attach to a jump ring and then attach the jump ring to the necklace clasp
*If using wire, once desired length of wire has been beaded, curl over the end of the wire to form a loop.  Slide a crimp bead over the loop and clamp at the base of the loop.  Open a jump ring and slide the loop and one end of the necklace clasp into the jump ring, then close the jump ring.  Repeat procedure for the other side of the chain
*Attach strands of chain to the necklace clasp either directly or by attaching to a jump ring and attaching the jump ring to the necklace clasp
*String pearls onto wire or string and repeat the procedure used for the pendant strand

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