One of my favorite things to make each Halloween season is a new set of spooky earrings. I don't always share them with you, because I've already done a tutorial on how to make basic earrings, but I thought you might appreciate seeing the new earrings. Plus, it's a relatively straightforward craft, so if you're looking for something you can actually make, this is a bit easier than foam tombstones or hand-sewn cosplays.
Since did write a tutorial for making earrings previously (see above link), there isn't a tutorial with this one. However, I did want to tell you a little more about where I get my Halloween charms. Joann is my go to, and their Hildie & Jo charms and strung beads feature heavily in my Halloween jewelry.

Here are the beads, charms, and jewelry I bought from Joann this year. As you can see, I haven't had a chance to make all of them into jewelry yet. The tombstone, crow/raven, spiderweb with spider, and skeletal hand charms appear to be new to Hildie & Jo's 2021 Halloween collection. You can buy them here, and you can see their full Halloween 2021 charm, bead, and jewelry collection here. There are so many cool pieces this year, and I definitely recommend checking them out if you love Halloween jewelry.
The rounded charms are also from Hildie & Jo. I bought them last
year, but it looks like they have returned this year, and you can find
them here. The charms are already 40% off at Joann, so if you're interested, you'll probably want to grab some asap.
The tarot card charms are from Etsy. If you do an Etsy search for "tarot charm," you'll turn up all sorts of neat designs, although some are pretty pricey.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you a peek into my Halloween jewelry this year. Are you planning on making some Halloween jewelry? I'd love to see what you come up with.