Thursday, November 3, 2016

"Turkey Safe Zone" Thanksgiving Sign

     No turkey on your Thanksgiving menu?  Add this cute sign to your decor!

*Red, yellow, orange, and brown cardstock
*Googly eyes
*All purpose adhesive
*Pen (or black cardstock)
*Laminating sheets (optional)

*Note: I designed the below templates to work with my Silhouette CAMEO.  If you have a CAMEO of your own, you can cut out all of the pieces using that (for more instructions on using my templates with the CAMEO, see this post).  Otherwise, I'd recommend skipping the lettering part of the template and hand lettering using a black pen, although you could still use an X-acto knife to cut out the letters if you felt inclined to do so.

*Size the above templates to the desired size and cut out all of the pieces, with perhaps the exception of the lettering on the sign (if you do cut out the letters, you'll have to trace another copy of the sign shape onto black cardstock and put that in behind the constructed sign).
*Trace the sign shape onto yellow cardstock, the turkey body onto brown cardstock, four feathers onto red cardstock, three feathers onto orange cardstock, and the little triangular beak shape onto orange cardstock (the circular shapes are for making eyes, but if you're using googly eyes, you won't need them).  Cut out all of the pieces.
*Arrange the feathers out on the yellow sign and glue down.
*Add the turkey body and the beak, gluing those down as well.
*Write out "this house is a turkey safe zone" across the sign.  Try lettering it in pencil and then going over it with a black pen.
*For added durability, laminate the sign.
*Glue on some googly eyes and you're done!

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