Thursday, June 4, 2015

Alice in Wonderland Silhouette Cake Toppers

*Full body photos of people and pets to represent various Wonderland characters printed onto printer paper
*Printer paper
*X-acto knife

*Pick out a full body photo of someone who could play the role of one of the characters from Alice in Wonderland and print it onto printer paper.
*Tape a photo up to a window.
*Tape a sheet of printer paper over the photo.
*Trace the outline of the figure onto the printer paper and then remove the tracing from the window.
*Make any modifications to the silhouette that you need to.  For example, in the original photo I used for my Alice silhouette, I had my arms in the air.  I had to redraw my arms to make them work better for the cupcake topper.
*Pick one attribute for each Wonderland character and if it would affect the shape of the character's silhouette, draw it in.  I drew a bow onto my Alice template and a hat onto my Mad Hatter template.
*Cut out the silhouettes and trace them onto a cardstock sheet of your choice.
*Cut the silhouettes from cardstock.
*Add any details that you think are important to the characters.  For example, I gave my Cheshire Cat a grin.
*Laminate the silhouettes and cut them out.  Leave some extra plastic at the bottom of each one to stick into the cake and help prop them up with toothpicks.  Alternately, you could attach the figures to popsicle sticks and that may help them stand up better.

     Here are the cake toppers on my birthday cake.  I did not think the placement through well before putting them into the cake and so it ended up looking unbalanced.  It would have worked much better had I put the Mad Hatter and Alice on opposite sides, but it was an interesting cake.

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