Thursday, June 3, 2021

Throwback Thursday: Perler Fuse Bead Decorative Bowls

Amber's Craft a Week Blog is coming up on ten years old!  My crafting style has changed a lot over the years, so I thought it would be fun to do some throwback posts.  While my blogversary is in August, August is Halloween season over here, and so I didn't want to fill up my August post slots with non-Halloween content.  Thus, we're getting started with the throwbacks a little early, but hey, that means we get to celebrate a little longer, right?

First up, we're taking a trip back to June of 2012.  My craft blog was not yet a year old, and Perler fuse beads were one of my go-to crafting materials.  These Perler fuse bead bowls (you can find the original post with directions here) were a big hit with readers.  For years, that post was my second most-read blog post, and it still remains among my most popular blog posts, ranking now at number eight.

I didn't really know what to do with these bowls after I made them, so I hung the rainbow one on my wall as a piece of art.  It's not up there anymore, though.  I think it's tucked away in a closet.

It's been years since I've posted a Perler bead craft on here.  Maybe I'll have to make a new one in honor of my craft blog's 10th birthday.

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