Thursday, August 8, 2019

Haunted Artifact Prop

     The year before last, Brian and I had a plant pot outdoors that shattered during the course of the winter.  Rather than clean up the shards, I decided to incorporate them into my Halloween decor.  Unfortunately I was really busy last fall, so the prop was thrown together last minute, but I'm hoping to bring it back this year for my party.  All you need for this setup is broken pottery and a museum-style sign with some kind of legend explaining what will go wrong if said pottery breaks.  I made up a culture and legend (included below), but you can use whatever lore you would like to.


Ajegwan Burial Urn, ca. 500 CE

Urn is believed to contain the remains of Sjan Vlavec, 395-503 CE.  Known by her subjects as the "Queen of Death," Vlavec ascended to the throne at 15.  Her elder cousin and childhood confidante (his name is unknown, as Vlavec made sure all references to him were destroyed) was second in line for the throne and he devised a plan to assassinate her.  When his plot failed, she ordered her ladies' maids to tie him up and throw him into a nearby river, which was teeming with crocodiles.  After his betrayal, she became increasingly mistrustful of those around her and would have her maids execute anyone she felt had wronged her.  Contemporaries estimate her death toll at upwards of 2,000.  Toward the end of her life, she became convinced that someone was poisoning her and vowed that upon her death, she would return and kill every last person on earth.  Upon her death, a local sorceress bound her soul to the urn in which her remains were placed.  It is rumored that if her urn is ever broken, her soul will return to annihilate humanity.

Haunted artifact in my Halloween cemetery, Halloween 2018.


*Broken pottery
*Printed legend
*Long wooden stake
*All purpose adhesive


*Print and laminate legend.

*Glue legend to the wooden stake.

*Place the wooden stake in the ground.  Surround the stake by pottery shards.

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