Saturday, March 10, 2018

Alice in Wonderland Playing Card Nail Art

     Looking for a fun but subtle way to incorporate Alice in Wonderland style into your look?  Or perhaps you need some ideas for an Alice in Wonderland costume?  Try these Alice-inspired playing card nails.

*White nail polish
*Red nail polish
*Black nail polish
*Base coat
*Top coat
*Black nail art pen
*Thin nail art brush
*Plastic lid
*Cleanup pen (optional)


*Paint nails using the base coat.  Let dry.

*Paint nails white.  Let dry.

*Paint nail tips alternating black and red.  I used a small amount of polish to paint a line going across the nail to mark out where I wanted to paint and then used more polish to color in the tips.  Let dry.

*Using nail art pens or a nail art brush, paint a playing card symbol onto your fingernails and A's onto your thumbnails.  The white polish I used had a nail art brush, which made it easy for me to clean up the edges of the diamonds.  I highly recommend using a thin brush for touching up mistakes.  Let dry.

*Seal with a top coat.  I've found that by touching up the edges of my nails with the top coat as small chips start to form, I can keep the polish intact for about a week.  With these ones, I also ended up touching up the tips with red as needed.  The picture of me as Alice (below) was taken six days after I painted my nails and you can see they still look mostly fine.

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