Thursday, November 8, 2012

Duct Tape Covered Letters

*Foam board
*Letter templates
*X-acto knife
*Duct tape in various colors/patterns (can use patterned paper in place of duct tape if you don't have duct tape in numerous colors/patterns)

*Trace letter templates onto the foam board.
*Using your X-acto knife, cut out the letters.
*Cut out a strip of duct tape and place the duct tape strip over one of the letters.  Trim excess duct tape, leaving some to wrap around the edges, if desired.
*Repeat until the letters are covered in duct tape
*If you are using patterned paper in place of duct tape, trace letter templates onto the patterned paper, cut out the paper letters, and glue to the foam board.

Bonus: Duct Tape Decorated Box
Use your leftover duct tape scraps to decorate a box.  Cut the excess duct tape into small pieces and arrange on a jewelry box.

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